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"We are not amused with the state of The Albert!"

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Vintage Cloud Hand Drawn
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White Clouds Cutout
White Clouds Cutout
White Clouds Cutout
White Clouds Cutout
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White Clouds Cutout
The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.
The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.
Vintage Decorative Line Art
The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

Updated July 2023:

Why object?

The community voted in a ballot to indicate 98% support for community ownership and restoration of this damaged building as a pub and hub to serve the people as a sustainable development.

The community did not just vote for a bar but space for a bar, restaurant and facilities for multiple community facilities.

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The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.


This new application includes a full planning application (23/00960/FULL) and a Listed Building Consent application (23/00961/LBC).

Objections can be made to both of the applications. Objections should be objective and come from individuals. Copied objections will be treated as one.

Comments should be on planning issues such as how these alterations may affect the community.

You need to be registered with Fife Council Planning before submitting an objection.

The closing date for submitting objections is Tuesday 8th August 2023

Register/log in to the Fife Council Planning portal here:

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The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.
Hand Pointing to the Right

Points to consider when writing your objection.

You may well have your own points to include.

The following pages include 11 viable objections to the planning application.

But don't be overwhelmed! You don't have to include them all.

1) The proposed space in the basement is inadequate for installation of a bar, kitchen, toilets, storage and ventilation facilities.

2) Natural light is limited to the east side of the basement. The character and constraints of the proposed basement bar space is insufficiently flexible or inclusive to operate as a successful community hub. With access around the back of the building and downstairs into a constrained space, the bar would be unwelcoming for many and not visible for tourists. The intended accessibility lift will be exposed to the elements.

3) Dependence on the balcony area for seating will most likely lead to objections from neighbours about noise.

The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

4) Dealing with goods in and waste disposal will be complicated by having only one access point including a stair case. Use of the fire exit will be strictly limited by neighbour ownership of the space between The Albert and the adjacent building on the south side.

5) There is a lack of clarity on ownership/ leasehold for the basement as previous discussions and press comments by the owners, have indicated that Festival Inns SSAS have no appetite for running a bar or restaurant facilities.

Without community ownership or involvement, it is not clear how operation of the bar would be managed in future.

6) The basement is in poor condition and has been damaged by removal of load bearing walls and all previous fixtures and fittings.

The basement will not be seen as a priority and there is a danger that the costs of restoration of the basement will result in postponement, perhaps indefinite, as attention is focussed on the change of structure to install the four apartments on the upper three floors.

It is clear from the plans, that the four apartments have a remarkable resemblance to the four flats in the previous change of use application, which was refused and declined on appeal.

The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

7) Installation of two apartments on the ground floor will be a major change to the structure and the character of the building and complicate any future, sympathetic restoration of the original bar and dining area.

8) The construction of the proposed apartments will include 7 double bedrooms, meaning that at any one time there may be considerable added pressure on parking around the hotel.

9) No previous listed building consent was sought for major changes to the character of the building such as removal of the bar and removal of load bearing walls in the basement.

10) Enlargement of the dormer windows will alter the character of this listed building.

Need some help?

If you could do with a hand logging into the portal, creating or submitting your objection, let us know!


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The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.
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The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.


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The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

Updated May 2023:

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78% of the electorate voted, and 98.7% of the votes supported a Community Buy-out!

And here is the official

public notice...

Hand Pointing to the Right
The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

The original community buy-out presentation/proposal

April 2023

Hand Pointing to the Right
The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

What's covered in this presentation..

  • The story so far...
  • Who we are
  • What's changed?
  • What's the plan, and..
  • How you can get involved
The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

Why does the community need a pub/hub?

  • Community Focus – benefits for the community & visitors
  • Preservation of Heritage
  • To improve Tourism
  • To provide local employment
  • Links to Coastal Path, Pilgrim Way, Transport History

The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.
Frame Border Illustration

The Albert is part of our heritage, and has entertained some notable patrons.

The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.
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From royalty...

The Albert Hotel was opened in 1824 as the Mitchell Inn.

However, after a fleeting visit from Queen Victoria and Prince Albert in 1842, it was decided that the hotel should be renamed after the Prince.

The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.
Frame Border Illustration best-selling authors...

"I've been going to the Albert Hotel since I was a nipper. It's perched on the rocks in a village called North Queensferry. From the window there are wonderful views of the Forth Bridge, which looms right outside. They used to have a beer garden but unfortunately it's been sold off now...

They do perfectly respectable pub food (fabulous chips), but you don't visit the Albert for Cordon Bleu cooking. I usually go for a pint of McEwan's 80/-. When I say a pint, I always go with the intention of having just one pint, but it rarely works out that way."

~ Iain Banks, 'My Favourite Table' - The Guardian, 2003

The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.
Frame Border Illustration ex Prime Ministers!

"Gordon Brown lives in the village - so he used to 'pop in' for drinks.

Tony Blair used to come with Mr Brown but he hasn't been in since Labour has been in power."

~ One-time hotel owner Rhona Campbell

The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

The story so far...

  • The hotel was run down until closure in 2017
  • The owners wanted to convert it to flats
  • August 2022 - refusal of planning permission for change of use to flats
  • December 2022 – Appeal against refusal of planning permission denied

  • The value of the property for restoration as a hotel has been reduced by

removal of the bar, kitchen and toilets

  • The owners remain reluctant to agree to an independent valuation

..... how can we encourage a sale?

The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

What's changed?

We can use changes in the law* to buy The Albert for the benefit of the community.

A community body such as NQ Community Trust can appoint a company such as The Albert Community Group Limited to purchase and restore the building.

*Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016

The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

The Community Right to Buy Part 5 Application

The steps are:

  • Request to transfer ownership
  • Secret postal Ballot
  • Formal Community Right to Buy Application
  • Independent valuation
  • ... may lead to an enforced purchase

The process is run by The Community Land Team - part of The Scottish Government

The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.
Hand Pointing to the Right

Community Right To Buy

It doesn't mean everyone in the community has to invest!

(And you don't have to invest to be involved, either!)

The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

Many other communities have done it!

There is a growing network of Community Pubs in Scotland:

  • Red Lion – Culross
  • Black Bull – Gartmore
  • The Old Forge – Knoydart
  • Kings Arms – Ballantrae
  • The Swan – Banton Lanarkshire
  • Lochranza Hotel – Arran
The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

Who are we?

Basic Ampersand Symbol

Alastair Ritchie

Dan Macdonald

Eddie Brown

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Allan Thomson

Business Adviser

Gordon Hay

Legal Adviser

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The Albert Community Group Ltd (ACG Ltd)

Lorraine Hosie

Comms Adviser

The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

Where are we now?

Sadly, it is not a pretty picture...

The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.
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The Dining Room

The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

The Bar

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The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.
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The Kitchen

The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

The Basement

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The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

What's the plan?

To purchase and restore The Albert Hotel to serve the community as a sustainable development!

So it can look like this every day, not just when the film crews are here!

(Scene from The Lost King, filmed in 2021)

The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

Phased project involving:

  • Negotiation and Purchase
  • Restoration
  • Opening the bar
  • Opening a kitchen and restaurant
  • Opening community/reception spaces
  • Appointment of a tenant/manager

The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

Possible funding sources for assessment, purchase and restoration



Architectural Heritage Fund

Community Ownership Support Service

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Scottish Land Fund

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Heritage Enterprise Scotland

Lottery Heritage Fund

Community Share Scheme

Public Donations

The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

The Albert Challenge

Can we harness the following to 'Save The Albert'?

Community power

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Community shares

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Land reform legislation

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Scottish Land Fund

Lottery Funding

The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

What community uses could The Albert provide?

  • Meeting spaces for community groups
  • Spaces for social receptions and parties
  • Gallery/arts & performance spaces
  • well as a place to gather, dine and enjoy a drink together!

Board room meeting.
Wedding decoration. Wedding inspiration.
Friends Eating Pizza
The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

D'ye mind lang syne?

(Many of you will remember The Albert's past)

The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.
Ornate Gold Vintage Frame

This could be

the future!

(Press to play)

The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

How can you get involved?

Look out for your postal ballot paper - every vote counts!

  • Your ballot paper & freepost envelope should arrive after 20th April '23

  • We only have 12 days to return them (by 3rd May '23)

  • A proxy vote application form is available (email
Royal mail round stamp. Grunge texture print
The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

We need AT LEAST half of the electorate to vote to be able to proceed. (That's about 440 people.)

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Thumbs up Hand Sign Retro Vintage Woodcut

So please encourage your friends, family and neighbours in the village to vote too!

The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How much will the restoration cost?

A. We only have a rough estimate of the cost of restoration. The major items are repair of the roof, structural support, tanking the basement, replacement of the bar, kitchen and toilets, re-wiring and re-plumbing.

More work needs to be done with a team including structural engineer, architect, surveyor and quantity surveyor to arrive at accurate figures.

Q. What happens if 50% of the village don't vote?

A. If the turnout is less than 50%, we think that the Community Land Team will take a view on the detailed outcome of the vote before deciding if our application can proceed.

If the Community Right to Buy Part 5 application can not proceed, we can still continue to negotiate with the owners.

The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.

Q. Can we contact the council to complain about the state of the building?

A. You can contact Fife Council Planning Department and ask a planning enforcement officer to investigate your complaint.

Q. How can we prove the Community Pub/Hub would be a viable 'business'?

A. The Albert Community Group Ltd. have liaised with the Community Ownership Support Services (COSS) to compile a draft business plan for running the pub and hub, beyond the point of restoration. The draft business plan shows that the business can be viable.

Q. What can people who no longer live in the village do?

A. Depending on a realistic estimate of the numbers of people willing to provide support, we may be able to assemble an informal petition for signature by those not eligible to vote in the ballot.

An informal petition could be used as supportive evidence in our community right to buy application.

The vast clear blue sky and beautiful clouds on good weather in the morning.
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Thank you for taking the time to read this.

If you have any questions, please email:

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Vintage Cloud Hand Drawn
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White Clouds Cutout